Confidence, Through Trust.
You are in excellent hands with Fluid Frontier Consulting's 23 years and more than 5,500 days of on-site practical experience.

Drilling Fluid Application
In order to meet your conditions and project needs, we specialize in making sure the drilling fluid systems selected for your project are applied and maintained to the highest standard.

Wellbore Stability Analysis
Working with our partners, we offer thorough wellbore stability research to maximize drilling performance and reduce operational risks by utilizing industry experience and state-of-the-art chemical and physical application.

Fluid Loss Management
We leverage our understanding of fluid loss management to help clients drill their projects well within their budgeted amount by enhancing wellbore integrity and helping to establish efficient drilling fluid practices.

With 23 years of experience drilling oil and gas wells in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, Fluid Frontier Consulting is a dependable partner for offering excellent drilling fluid solutions. Our team's commitment to quality and innovation ensures that any project we take on will be a success.

For any inquiries or to learn more about our services, please contact us at: shodge@fluidfrontierconsulting.com
Head Office
11 Ebony Street
Lacombe, AB
T4L 0A4
Tel: 403-588-9253
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